This is some fucked up ass shit! No other way to put it. Please, walk with me...
As anyone reading this knows (both of you), I'm a huge sports fan. My NFL team is the Bills. Now, I don't know how this happened; I think when you grow up in a state with no teams (we need a constitutional amendment to address this occurrence) you end up loving teams for all sorts of crazy reason. Regardless, the Bills are my squad.
On March 7th 2009, the Bills signed one Terrell Owens, that's him up there with that dumb ass disingenuous grin that seems stuck on his fuckin face. You all know this jack ass. He's the one that has been moving from team to team throughout his career because his need to be the center of attention is so great that his presence creates a black hole through which nothing positive can escape. I'm serious.
He throws temper tantrums on the side line when he doesn't get the ball enough. He openly blames his team mates and coaches when his teams lose. His favorite thing to do, the thing that has ended his tenure at every team he's been on, is throwing quarterbacks under the bus. It's always someone elses fault. He even cries in post game interviews! (you must watch at least the first 30 seconds or so of this clip if you haven't seen it, one of the three greatest sports press conference moments; and pay no attention to what he says, it's all bullshit)
The worst thing about him isn't even that he does all of this with that fuckin smile. The worst part is that he does it all on TV. I watch Sportscenter every day, at least three times. So now, every time I see my teams logo, I have to hear about the latest T.O. "Look at me now" drama:
"Owens says he won't show up for voluntary workouts", "Owens says he knows the owner wanted him to stay in Dallas and others were conspiring against him", "Owens is staring in a reality show". I didn't make any of that up. Those have all been headlines since we signed him. T.O. loves reporters, and reporters love his dumb ass.
Here's a picture of him doing sit-ups in his driveway, surrounded by reports:
Do you see what I'm dealing with here people!!!
This is my fucking team. I'm not going to hear about our offensive line play, about the development of our young receivers or the play of what we hope will be our franchise QB. No, for a full season, I get Mr. Sit Ups In My Driveway and his stock market like psyche.
This is a horrible thing to do to a fan. I'm seriously considering taking this year off (we only signed him for a year). I really may just temporarily renounce my fanship and hitch myself to some band wagon for a season. Maybe I'll be a Giants or Jets fan, hell; I live here. Or maybe I pick a team out of a fucking hat, who fucking knows man. It's going to be a long fall.
Resurrecting this here blog...
14 years ago